Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stop Smoking Pills

Posted by Stop Smoking Aids at 1:28 AM
Stop Smoking pills and capsules are designed to help you to quit smoking quickly and effectively while improving your wellness and maintaining a positive and stress-free mindset. The herbs and oils commonly inherent in an herbal stop smoking pill, for instance, are tested from thousands of years of proven benefit and are non-invasive. They cannot be processed into a gum or lozenge.
Stop smoking pills are popular because they're consumed with water in a count of seconds. Gums and lozenges ingest longer to swallow and can serve as a physical hurt if you don't want to promote your quit smoking intentions to the world. For example, gum at work or on the basketball court isn't advised. Lozenges can also be physically challenging given the same environment.
Additionally, stop smoking pills are immediate release vehicles easily digestible in the stomach. The drugs or herbs in the pill or capsule are absorbed in mins in the stomach or small intestine so the designed effect is almost immediate. Gums and lozenges on the other hand, are not as quick, though some say are as efficacious. The thought behind chewable gum and a lozenge is that the drug or herb is absorbed under the tongue quickly where it passes into the blood flow in mins. However, the gum or lozenge is designed to be appetizing so is caked with sugars and preservatives. A stop smoking pill or capsule doesn't comprise flavors or preservatives because it is not implied to be tasted, just swallowed.
The choice is yours. A few people can't swallow pills, whether in capsule or non-capsule form. Hence, alternative products are more practical (gums, lozenges). Some people are just too fussy or too bothered to be placed on a regimen of having to take pills, capsules, gums or lozenges on a regular basis throughout the day. Thus, acupuncture or hypnosis is preferable to a quit smoking pill, gum or lozenge. Disregarding with your product in question, there are many non-smokers in the universe laying claim they've quit as a result of that stop smoking aids product . Choose wisely for the product that will give you the best opportunity of success and staying power. Don't forget watch this video. Thx.

2 comments on "Stop Smoking Pills"

Unknown on February 5, 2010 at 11:47 PM said...

Great video. Thanks for such a informative post about the quit smoking. The above info will be more helpful for the people to quit smoking. I have quit smoking through various Hypnotherapy techniques. After trying hypnosis I got a good control and confidence to quit smoking.

Cassie on July 12, 2010 at 4:52 AM said...

Wonderful post and video that goes along with it.. Although there are people who are really decided to quit smoking, still some are undergoing withdrawal symptoms which is so hard to overcome..


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