Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Don't Smoke Again

Posted by Stop Smoking Aids at 7:03 AM
For almost all smokers, cravings or urges to smoke could be powerful. But you are not at the mercy of these cravings. As an urge to use tobacco strikes, think that although it perhaps intense, it will be short, and it likely will blow over within a couple of minutes whether you're smoking a cigaret or not. Every time you resist a craving, you are one footstep nearer to quitting smoking or other tobacco consumption permanently.
Meanwhile, here are 10 methods to help you stay the urge to smoke or use tobacco.

1. Delay. If you find like you are becoming to give in to your craving, tell yourself that you must delay 10 more mins then do something to distract yourself. This easy trick perhaps enough to derail your tobacco craving. Repeat as often as required.
2. Do not have 'just one.' You could be tempted to consume just one cigarette to quit a craving. But do not fool yourself into believing that you are able to stop at just one. More often than not, consuming just one leads to another, then another — and you may wind up back in the habit.
3. Void triggers. Urges for tobacco are probably to be hardest in the situations where you smoked or chewed tobacco most frequently. Identify your trigger posts — or people — and have got a plan in place so that you will be able to avoid them entirely or clear up them without using tobacco. Don't adjust yourself up for a relapse. If you normally smoked while you talked on the telephone, for example, keep a pen and paper nearby instead for doodling rather than smoking.
4. Get physical. Physical activeness could assist distract you from tobacco cravings and reduce the intensity of cravings. Just half-hour of moderate physical sport could make a craving disappear. Get out for walking or jogging. If you are stuck at home or the office, attempt squats, deep squats, push-ups, running in place, or walking up and down a set of stairs a couple of times. If physical activity does not interest you, try prayer, needlework, carpentry or journaling. Or do tasks for distraction, such vacuuming or filing paperwork.
5. Exercise relaxation techniques. Tackling a craving to smoke or use tobacco can be very stressful. In the past, smoking could have been your way to cope with stress. Take the edge off your tension by doing relaxation ways. These include deep-breathing workouts, muscle relaxation, yoga, visualization, hypnosis and massage.
6. Yell reinforcements. Touch base with a family member, friend or accompaniment group member for moral back up. Chat on the phone, go for a walking together or simply share a few jokes — or collaborate to sympathise about your cravings.
7. Remember the benefits of stopping. Write down or say out loudly the causes you want to stop smoking and resist cravings. These could include experiencing better, getting healthier, sparing your loved ones from secondhand smoke or saving money. And if you are a closet tobacco user, you may save hours of time since you no more have to spend time attempting to creatively conceal your habit.
8. Go online. Participate an online stop-smoking program. Or read a quitter's blog and wite encouraging thoughts for somebody else who might be fighting with cravings. Learn from how others have managed their tobacco cravings.
9. Try alternates. Try a stop-smoking product rather than a cigarette. A few types of nicotine replacement therapy, including patches, gums and lozenges, are useable over-the-counter. Nicotine nasal spray and the nicotine inhalator are available by prescription drug, as are the stop-smoking medications bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Chantix).
10. Chew on that. Give your mouth something to do. Chew on nonsweet chewing gum or hard candy. Or munch on raw carrots, celery, nuts or sunflower seeds — something crisp and satisfying.

2 comments on "Don't Smoke Again"

Unknown on February 9, 2010 at 11:03 PM said...

The ten points in the above blog is really very much useful and informative. Thanks for such a great points. To quit smoking Control and confidence is must to avoid it permanently. When I was in lack confidence and control I use to smoking again. Later I found a good way Hypnosis. It really worked well to quit smoking by increasing my self confidence and self control.

Atmos on June 1, 2012 at 12:47 AM said...

This is true that if a person is not self determined towards quitting smoke then he can never give it completely and even using of alternative device like raw vaporizer will not help if so is the case.

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