Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pregnancy Smoking

Posted by Stop Smoking Aids at 8:00 AM
Why is smoking harmful in pregnancy?
Tobacco smoke comprises vicious chemicals which pass into your bloodstream when you are smoking, then on into the the developing baby's blood. Smoking when you're pregnant step-ups the chance of: miscarriage; slowing down the growth of the baby leading to a low birth weight; premature labor conducting to the baby being premature ; miscarriage.

Even after the delivering, children of smoking parents possess an increased danger of developing chest infections, asthma attack, 'glue ear', and sudden cot death (infant death)
Also, there are a lot of other risks with smoking such as the expanded risk of developing chest and heart troubles.

When should I stop smoking?
You and your child will acquire most benefit, and the dangers will be most decreased, if you quit before you get pregnant. Preparing to become pregnant is a fine incentive to stop smoking for many women, and is often a good time to persuade spouses to quit too. However, your baby will still acquire some benefit if you stop at any level during pregnancy.

How can I stop smoking?
For a lot of people it's not easy to stop. Below are some tips which could assist.

* Set up a date for quitting, and stop totally.
* Tell everybody. Yout mates and family often contribute support and could help you.
* Remove ashtrays, lighters, and all cigarettes.
* Be prepared for some drug withdrawal symptoms. When you stop smoking, you're expected to get symptoms which may include: nausea (feeling migraines, anxiety, irritability, craving, and just feeling awful.
* Be aware of situations in which you're most potentially want to smoke (e.g., the pub). Try modifying your routine for the first few weeks. If drinking tea and coffee are difficult times, attempt drinking mainly fruit crush and lot of water.
* Set one day at a time. Check off each successful day on a calendar. Look at it when you experience influenced to smoke, and tell yourself you don't want to begin all over again.
* Be positivistic. You are able to tell people that you don't smoke. You'll smell better. After a couple of weeks you should find better, taste your food more, and cough less. You'll have more money.
* Do not despair if you break down and have a cigarette. You do not have to begin smoking again. Pick yourself up and try over again. Analyse the causes why you felt it was harder at that special time. It will make you stronger next time.

2 comments on "Pregnancy Smoking"

Unknown on December 30, 2009 at 10:20 PM said...

Good article. Useful information has been given. Thanks for sharing such useful information. Smoking is a very bad habit. It is dangerous for health. Thanks for sharing such useful information. Smoking during pregnancy is dangerous for child and mother too. By the way i got more information about smoking from thoughtsbecomereality they provide a good treatment for all type of health and mental issues.

Webmaster on February 9, 2010 at 3:02 AM said...

Thanks for sharing such useful information. Smoking is a very bad habit.

Stop Smoking

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